Become A Patron
Our impact extends far beyond the theatre community, but ticket sales cover less than half of our annual costs. We depend on support from people who share our vision to produce bold theater, develop more new plays, and enrich the lives of our community. Your donation will help sustain the cause of truthful storytelling accessible to all. That special commitment is also why a significant portion of each Patron membership may be tax-deductible. Because Bainbridge Little Theatre is a 501 (c) 3 organization, contributions over and above regular ticket price per play at the Sustaining Patron level and above are tax deductible.
Patron Levels
Benefactor Patron Level
The Benefactor Patron level is for an individual, family, or business sponsor. This level will receive six (6) season tickets, to our complete season, recognition on the website and production programs, an invitation to each show's Opening Night festivities, and an invitation to our annual Open House & Showcase.
Star Patron Level
The Star Patron level is for an individual, family, or business sponsor. This level comes with four (4) season tickets, recognition on the website and production programs, an invitation to each show's Opening Night festivities, and an invitation to our annual Open House & Showcase.
Sustaining Patron Level
The Sustaining Patron level comes with one (1) season ticket and is the same as the Gold Patron level. This is for an individual sponsor who is a teacher, student, first-responder, or military as our way of saying thank you. In order to purchase this level of patronage you must purchase it in person with a valid ID.
All patrons receive acknowledgement on our website and playbill. They receive a gift, season tickets and have preferred seating.
Tammy Flagg
Jason & Mandy Moye
Phillip & Lynda Todaro
Jon & Joan Beers
Eliza Brown
Roy & Cheri Jaeger
Alec & Doreen Poitevint
Mickey & Susan Shiver
Andrea Varnedoe
Sterling Widner
Veda Bellflower
Gary & Tina Brinson
Linda Gisondi
Clayton & Berry Penhallegon
Victoria Bailey
Jennifer Britt
Lane & Lee Bush
Gloria & Tom Conger
Michael Inlow
David & Kathleen Sarrette
Shanell Schuyler
Jamie Sinko
Dale & Jean Brock
Shannon & Paula Boyer
Ruby Cervantes
Celeste Crews
Dr. & Mrs. Frank Flowers
Paula & Jody Grollman
Larry Miles
Chip & Heather Walden
Tynese Butler
Jack & Joyce Leverette
George & Ruth Masciarelli
John & Joan Noel
Claire Webb